Kamis, 17 Desember 2015


Hello guys! Long time no see. It’s been a long time since the last time I write on my blog. Well, here I am now and I’m going to tell you guys one of my school activities ‘CAMPRT’. You guys might be wondering ‘What is CAMPRT?’ Well, to answer that CAMPRT is a camping trip. Every year in SMAN 3 Bandung from grade 10 to 12 have to do a camping activity to complete an assignment for Pramuka extracurricular. 2013 curriculum made us to have at lest one camping for Pramuka extracurricular or we can’t graduate.
Tuesday, 15th December 2015 

Today we’re going on a camping trip. YEAYYYY, I’m so excited. The last time I went camping was in 7th grade and it was great. I was hoping the same for this camping trip. So, I wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning and start my morning routine. I already packed yesterday with my mom’s helps. After eating breakfast, exactly at 6 o’clock I went to school with Gita and Arin (my dorm mates). I brought one backpack and a bag that I carried. I don’t mind the backpack though, because it wasn’t as heavy as the bag that I carried. I feel like my hand is broken. Well, good thing it wasn’t. I arrived at school around 6.15 A.M. and gathered at SMAN 3 & 5 Bandung front gate. At 6.30, we left to Jatinagor (the camp site) with a military truck. I was one truck with my classmates. The truck is actually pretty big, but when you fill it with 34 people and their big backpack, yeah it’s kind of small. I don’t remember the time we arrived, but I think it’s around noon. The are groups called ‘Sangga’. I’m Sangga, 13 with Tasya, Maida, Clara, and others. There’s around 10 people in my Sangga. When we arrived, my Sangga mates and I built our tent. It’s not as hard as I think. We finished it for about 10 minutes, then we wait until we get called by the committee (they’re in charge of this event). While we wait, we ate, prayed, and just clean up the tent to keep us busy. We got called after about 30 minutes, then we gathered in the field to do an opening ceremony. At the end of the ceremony rains started pouring so we went back to the tent and wait until the rain settles down. After the rain settles down, we continue our activities. Our next activities were to receive a lesson. The Shanghai divided into 3 groups. The first group got P3K lesson, the second group got a navigation lesson, and the last group (I’m in this group) got a lesson about how making a palanquin with ropes and Bamboos. Thanks fully it was easy. Then we did a competition on whose the fastest and the most right one on making palanquin. My team didn’t win though, it's alright, I had fun. Then we take a break. Like before we prayed, cooked for our meal, clean up, and just rest. After magrib we gathered again to do a pensi (penampilan seni). My class (science 6) did a dance, it was embarrassing because I danced horribly. But, it was kind of fun and I have a great time with my friends. We finished around 11 and went to sleep.
Wednesday 16th December 2015

My body ached, I can’t sleep properly because of the lack of space. I mean, come on, one tent with 10 people in it? But nevertheless my body survived. I woke up around midnight because my legs cramped, and when back to sleep. I woke up again and it was already 5 o’clock. I went out to got wudhu and went back to praying. Around six I think, we gathered in the field again to exercise, but two of us have to stay in the tent to cook. Maida and Clara were in charge of cooking, so the others, including me, went out to exercise. When we got back the food is ready and we started eating. It’s not much, but I was so hungry it felt like heaven. After eating, we changed our clothes for the next activities which is games. At first I was excited because hello, it’s games, but I was so wrong. I felt like I was dying, the game includes walking and hiking. It was so tiring. We went through this path and every once in a while we will pass a post and each post has its owns games that we have to do before going to the next one. There are 5 posts. Around 1 we finally finished the game and went to clean up the tent and get ready to go home. We left around 2 and arrived around 4. It was tiring but it was great and I had fun.

Rabu, 18 November 2015

Cross Word Puzzle








5 4

















explanation :
red  : down
blue : across

Crossword Puzzle

Questions :
·         Down
1.       Something classic and very old
2.       School assessment test
3.       Refusing someone or something
4.       A young goat
5.       A season filled with white stuff
6.       Stop working
7.       Burger king’s top food
8.       ___ blue and red to make purple
9.       An animal with black and white stripes
10.   Birds always to this with their wings (Verb 2)
11.   What I look when I’m sick
12.   Rich people favorite sport
13.   People like to say this to their pet so they stop moving around

·         Across
1.       Makes waiter happy when they receive this from the customer
2.       Synonym of avoid and also an animal
3.       Connecting millions of electronic devices mostly phone and computer
4.       With out it, you cannot make sentence
5.       Makes calling someone from another country possible
6.       People usually only write this when they make point of compass
7.       Synonym of area that has particular characteristic
8.       Where my mouth, nose, and eyes are located
9.       The definition is method
10.   Something you give to your lover, commonly the color is red
11.   A brand of American automobiles. Founded in 1941
12.   The king’s wife
13.   A popular game with one person seeking and the others ____
14.   Usually appear at the begining of online game, without -ing
15.   Hand over to
16.   A public sector company and is the largest integrated iron and steel producer in India.